Welcome to Valley Presbyterian Church

Our Team

We have an amazing team here at the Valley. We're here to support you  and help in any way we can.

Our Mission

Following Christ together for the renewal of our community and for the hope of the world.  We outwork that with the following areas.


God gives us the gift of becoming new, ourselves, as well as participating in God’s re-creation of the world. 

(Romans 12:2; Titus 3:5)


Our worship is shaped by the wisdom of the church throughout the ages, rooted in scripture and Christ-centered. 

(Psalm 29:2; Psalm 66:1-4; John 4:24)


Serving the community involves not only a redirection of our hearts but also a redirection of our hands and feet. 

(Romans 12:3-8)

You are welcome here

Valley Presbyterian church welcomes all who are spiritually weary and seek rest. All who mourn and long for comfort. All who struggle and desire victory. All who sin and need a Savior. All who are strangers and want fellowship. All who hunger and thirst after righteousness... and to whoever will come— this church opens wide her doors and offers welcome in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Who we are

Valley was founded in 2009 with a group of about 40 who had a vision to see a PCA church in Madison. At the time, Madison was the largest city in Alabama without a PCA church. Valley was a plant of Providence Presbytery. Two churches had a significant impact in our founding: Southwood Presbyterian Church in neighboring Huntsville, AL and North Cincinnati Community Church (PCA) in Mason, OH.

Since our inception, this congregation has steadily grown to over 300 members. Also, since our inception, we have had a single mission to FOLLOW CHRIST TOGETHER. We hold strong values of being Christ-centered in our discipleship, teaching, worship, doctrine, fellowship, and community. We believe that the role of the church is vital in our faith. That we can't follow Christ alone… We need one another.

Starting in 2009, we were blessed to worship at Horizon Elementary School in Madison. In 2013, our leadership began looking for a permanent location. We purchased the property at 719 Hughes Road from CrossPointe Church. On August 10, 2014 we held our first service in our permanent location. This location is in the heart of our community, a place where we believe God has put us to make a generational impact.

We welcome you to check out our site. More than anything, we hope to see you on Sunday...where we come together as a broken people, but on a journey together. We love our Savior and we love one another...and we would welcome you to join us!


Rev. William Plott
Senior Pastor

Our Distinctive Values

We believe we must always begin and end with God’s Word, not our own. Thus we seek God’s Word to show us his heart and desires for our lives and ministries. God’s written Word points us to the Living Word, Jesus. We also commit ourselves to listening to God’s voice through prayer, knowing true power and guidance comes from God. 

(1 Timothy 3:16; Psalm 119:11; Hebrews 4:12; Ezra 8:5,6; James 5:13-16).  

We believe our focus in ministry should be the same as Jesus’: people. We will value people over programs; diving into the mess of their lives in order to find the masterpiece that God has designed them to be. (Ephesians 2:10; Luke 19:10)

We will endeavor to reach the whole world, which compels us to engage both our local community and the far reaches of the world in a spirit of humility and collaboration with the global body of Christ. (Matthew 28:18; Acts 1:8)

We recognize all of our time, treasures and talents are gifts from God and we will humbly share these resources—including our successes and failures—with other churches, ministries and people. (2 Corinthians 9:11)

We are compelled by the love of Christ. We will, by faith, take risks and push the limits of entrepreneurial creativity to advance the Kingdom of God. We will be curious learners, always looking for new ways to reach people. (Hebrews 11; Romans 15:20; Proverbs 1:5; Matthew 11:29)

We believe our greatest success will be reproducing leaders, ministries, initiatives and churches. We will never lead alone, but will continually build into apprentice leaders to help them grow as Christ-followers and extend the reach of our ministries and church. (2 Timothy 2:2; Matthew 16:18)

Our Traits

Following Christ

Rooted in God’s Love
Rooted in God’s Word
Rooted in God’s Community.
Rooted in Grace
Rooted in Faith
Rooted in the Gospel

Released to His Mission

Released to live purposefully
Released to live contagiously
Released to live compassionately
Released to live generously

Our Growth Path

Participate in worship services
Belong to a community group
Serve others
Lead others